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Working from home comes with some significant security problems that you may not have had to worry about back at the office. At home, your devices aren’t protected by company-wide cybersecurity systems, and attackers like to target home networks and personal devices because of these vulnerabilities. So how can you protect your devices, sensitive data, and privacy while working from home? Check out the following tips and resources for some cybersecurity best practices to employ while remote working.

Update Your Defenses

As a first-line defense against hackers, start by updating your existing software and evaluating the security of your sensitive accounts.

Invest in Affordable Cybersecurity Tools

Search for affordable personal security solutions to beef up your protection while working remotely from home.

  • Always use a secure virtual private network (VPN) when working from home.
  • Choose the right antivirus software for all of your personal devices. (We strongly recommend MalewareBytes)

Learn About Common Scams

Malicious emails, pop-ups, and texts can leave you vulnerable to common phishing scams.

Stay Vigilant

It’s easy to let your guard down when you’re experiencing anxiety, stress, or loneliness, so find ways to keep your brain sharp while working from home.

As a remote employee, you’re on your own when it comes to cybersecurity. Safeguard your data by practicing good cybersecurity while browsing, texting, emailing, and doing anything else online while working, or whilst on a work issued computer. From updating your computer software and investing in security tools to staying vigilant against common scams, there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself and your employer while working from home.

Article written by: Erica Francis

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